script type="text/javascript"> //================================================== function slide(src,link,text,target,attr) { this.src = src; = link; this.text = text; = target; this.attr = attr; if (document.images) { this.image = new Image(); } this.loaded = false; //-------------------------------------------------- this.load = function() { if (!document.images) { return; } if (!this.loaded) { this.image.src = this.src; this.loaded = true; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.hotlink = function() { var mywindow; if (! return; if ( { if (this.attr) { mywindow =,, this.attr); } else { mywindow =,; } if (mywindow && mywindow.focus) mywindow.focus(); } else { location.href =; } } } //================================================== // slideshow object //================================================== function slideshow( slideshowname ) { = slideshowname; this.repeat = true; this.prefetch = -1; this.image; this.textid; this.textarea; this.timeout = 7000; this.slides = new Array(); this.current = 0; this.timeoutid = 0; //-------------------------------------------------- this.add_slide = function(slide) { var i = this.slides.length; if (this.prefetch == -1) { slide.load(); } this.slides[i] = slide; } //-------------------------------------------------- = function(timeout) { this.pause(); if (timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } if (typeof this.slides[ this.current ].timeout != 'undefined') { timeout = this.slides[ this.current ].timeout; } else { timeout = this.timeout; } this.timeoutid = setTimeout( + ".loop()", timeout); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.pause = function() { if (this.timeoutid != 0) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutid); this.timeoutid = 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.update = function() { if (! this.valid_image()) { return; } if (typeof this.pre_update_hook == 'function') { this.pre_update_hook(); } var slide = this.slides[ this.current ]; var dofilter = false; if (this.image && typeof this.image.filters != 'undefined' && typeof this.image.filters[0] != 'undefined') { dofilter = true; } slide.load(); if (dofilter) { if (slide.filter && && { = slide.filter; } this.image.filters[0].Apply(); } // Update the image. this.image.src = slide.image.src; if (dofilter) { this.image.filters[0].Play(); } this.display_text(); if (typeof this.post_update_hook == 'function') { this.post_update_hook(); } if (this.prefetch > 0) { var next, prev, count; next = this.current; prev = this.current; count = 0; do { if (++next >= this.slides.length) next = 0; if (--prev < 0) prev = this.slides.length - 1; // Preload the slide image this.slides[next].load(); this.slides[prev].load(); } while (++count < this.prefetch); } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.goto_slide = function(n) { if (n == -1) { n = this.slides.length - 1; } if (n < this.slides.length && n >= 0) { this.current = n; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.goto_random_slide = function(include_current) { var i; if (this.slides.length > 1) { do { i = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.slides.length); } while (i == this.current); // Display the slide this.goto_slide(i); } } //-------------------------------------------------- = function() { if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) { this.current++; } else if (this.repeat) { this.current = 0; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.previous = function() { if (this.current > 0) { this.current--; } else if (this.repeat) { this.current = this.slides.length - 1; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.shuffle = function() { var i, i2, slides_copy, slides_randomized; slides_copy = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slides_copy[i] = this.slides[i]; } slides_randomized = new Array(); do { i = Math.floor(Math.random()*slides_copy.length); slides_randomized[ slides_randomized.length ] = slides_copy[i]; for (i2 = i + 1; i2 < slides_copy.length; i2++) { slides_copy[i2 - 1] = slides_copy[i2]; } slides_copy.length--; } while (slides_copy.length); this.slides = slides_randomized; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.get_text = function() { // This method returns the text of the current slide return(this.slides[ this.current ].text); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.get_all_text = function(before_slide, after_slide) { all_text = ""; for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; if (slide.text) { all_text += before_slide + slide.text + after_slide; } } return(all_text); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.display_text = function(text) { if (!text) { text = this.slides[ this.current ].text; } if (this.textarea && typeof this.textarea.value != 'undefined') { this.textarea.value = text; } if (this.textid) { r = this.getElementById(this.textid); if (!r) { return false; } if (typeof r.innerHTML == 'undefined') { return false; } // Update the text r.innerHTML = text; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.hotlink = function() { this.slides[ this.current ].hotlink(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.save_position = function(cookiename) { if (!cookiename) { cookiename = + '_slideshow'; } document.cookie = cookiename + '=' + this.current; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.restore_position = function(cookiename) { if (!cookiename) { cookiename = + '_slideshow'; } var search = cookiename + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); // if cookie exists if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; this.current = parseInt(unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))); } } } $html = "n"; // Loop through all the slides in the slideshow for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; $html += '
if ( {
$html += '';
$html += '';
if ( {
$html += "";
if (slide.text) {
$html += "
n" + slide.text;
$html += "
' + $html + ''); } //================================================== // Private methods //================================================== //-------------------------------------------------- this.loop = function() { if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) { next_slide = this.slides[this.current + 1]; if (next_slide.image.complete == null || next_slide.image.complete) {; } } else { // we're at the last slide; } // Keep playing the slideshow ); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.valid_image = function() { // Returns 1 if a valid image has been set for the slideshow if (!this.image) { return false; } else { return true; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.getElementById = function(element_id) { if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById(element_id); } else if (document.all) { return document.all[element_id]; } else if (document.layers) { return document.layers[element_id]; } else { return undefined; } } this.set_image = function(imageobject) { if (!document.images) return; this.image = imageobject; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.set_textarea = function(textareaobject) { this.textarea = textareaobject; this.display_text(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.set_textid = function(textidstr) { this.textid = textidstr; this.display_text(); } }